korean college life and manners : It is very important to be polite in human relationships to enjoy college life.
First of all, a polite attitude is the basic thing for a relationship with a professor. Professors play an important role in college life, so it is good to show respect and courtesy in conversations with professors. In class, it is important to speak politely when asking questions or expressing opinions. Also, it is good to maintain a kind and polite attitude when interviewing professors or communicating with e-mail.
When you contact the professor by e-mail, you must reveal your department, class number, and name. And it’s better to avoid too early or too late.
Next, there are things you have to keep in order to maintain a good relationship with your seniors, and in conversations with them, it is good to respect the other person’s opinions and listen actively. Also, it’s good to express your gratitude for the advice and help your seniors have said. In Korea, if a senior says he will buy you a meal, it means to have time to get close. You didn’t know, right?
This is a secret, but if you have a good relationship with your senior, you will get good information about your studies or exams. I asked several times and I could know how to study for the test. So if you have a good relationship with your seniors, respect them and keep them.
Lastly, human relationships with friends and juniors are also important. It is good to maintain a kind and considerate attitude when talking with juniors. It’s good to actively help juniors when they ask for advice or help.
And making friends in college is also an important part. In conversations with friends, it is better to respect and understand the other person’s opinions, listen to each other’s stories, and actively lead the conversation. I have a group project when I go to college. So of course, I think I should cooperate well with my friends.
additional detailed manners for korean college life and manners
- a group project
In the case of group assignments, you have to coordinate opinions, share roles, and sometimes take on roles you don’t want to take on because you’re not doing it alone
In this process, if you neglect your assignment because you can’t be contacted or because you don’t want to do it simply, such as personal laziness, the disadvantage will affect not only you but also all the team members.
If you don’t perform your role faithfully, your classmates won’t want to do group assignments together.
Please participate in the event with your conscience so that we can get good results
- Give and take
Etiquette is really a basic literacy, so think about how you would feel if you treated others in a non-manner manner and act.
If the other person agrees with each other as a good relationship, I think you should not neglect the exchange of hearts.
- conversation
The etiquette of conversation is also as important as greeting, or more important than greeting.
If you miss very basic things, you may not be able to have good interpersonal relationships.
Any friend who only forces me to think about myself and only talks about me would not want to talk.
I think it would be great if you can make concessions and build interpersonal relationships with each other in a caring way
- one’s heart
In fact, I think the most important thing in interpersonal relationships is your mindset.
Even if you have a relationship, I don’t think friendship that leads to necessity is a friend.
It’s a good relationship where sadness can be halved when shared, and joy can be doubled when shared.
Don’t forget that friendship and understanding at least deep friendship is a life that is rich in mind and happy enough to change the quality of life itself
- Greetings
Greeting is a very important communication between people not only in college but also in everyday life. If you make eye contact, wave when you see each other, and greet each other lightly, you will be able to maintain good friendship with your friends and seniors
You can’t enjoy yourself in college like you can’t live alone in life. I hope your college life is more enjoyable.