“Health certificate” in korea : “Health certificate” is essential when reporting part-time employment in the food sector. Can our international student not only study but also get a job in Korea?
Studying abroad (D-2) or general training (D-4) is a residence status granted for academic purposes, so part-time jobs are prohibited in principle, but if you meet certain requirements, you can work part-time with permission to work outside of your residence status.
But you can’t do it right away! Before starting work, international students must report to the immigration office after receiving recommendations from the person in charge of the student support center in the school.
The process of applying for a part-time job is as follows.
Write a labor contract with the boss
Reported by the person in charge of the international student support center in the school
Online/offline immigration declaration
Let’s go to work
The procedure looks complicated, but it’s not that complicated. Everything is to protect the rights of international students. Step 1 needs to write a labor contract with the boss, is there anything else you need? It’s “Health certificate” in korea. If you want to work in a restaurant, a health certificate is an essential condition.
“Health certificate” in korea

In other words, health certificates must be received by business operators and employees in the food hygiene industry. Basically, Article 40 of the Food Sanitation Act stipulates why the health certificate is needed, and it is necessary to inspect industries that require food hygiene, such as food manufacturers such as restaurants, entertainment establishments, and group meals.
Simply understood, the reason for receiving this health certificate is to prove that there is no personal hygiene problem even if you get a job at a food company, which means preventing the spread of infections against hygiene in advance.
So you have to get a medical checkup before you get a job.
The places where the health examination and results are issued are public health centers and hospitals, but I recommend public health centers. It’s because not all hospitals can issue it. The diagnosis fee is 3,000 won, and you can pay with both cash and credit card.
It takes about 7 days to issue the result after the medical examination, and the issuance fee is 3,000 won based on the health center. Then it’s 6,000 won in total.
Just like me, who is lazy to go to the health center, you can apply for a non-face-to-face issuance at

You don’t mind working without a health certificate?
If the person subject to issuance does not issue a health certificate, there will be a fine. Both employees and business owners have to pay between 100,000 won and 3 million won.
Issuance procedure
Because of its name, it is easy to think of it as a “certificate” in the form of a certificate, but when it is actually issued, it is usually just a document on A4 paper. The issuing institution is basically a health center, but it can also be issued by a medical institution, and preparations and conditions may vary. It is common to print from the Internet through a public certificate.
ID card – ID card that can be identified, such as resident registration card, passport, driver’s license, youth card, etc
Issuance fee 3,000 won
Public health center
In the case of city, county, and district public health centers, typhoid tests and X-rays are performed by collecting feces with Chaebyunbong.
It can be issued about three to seven days after the inspection. Although it may vary from region to region, it can usually be received directly by visiting the public health center that has been inspected, or issued at the eup and myeon offices and dong community centers. In addition, it can be issued by mail or the Internet.
If a disease is found in the test results, of course, it is not issued. In this case, he was examined at a large hospital and was misdiagnosed Or, if you bring a written opinion that you have been treated, you can get it again.
In addition, health certificates have a validity period of one year after issuance, and they must be newly issued at the end of the period. The health certificate is your property, so if you submit it to the company, you can get it back.
It can be reissued at the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s online civil service G-health or at a nearby health center. In some cases, it is free, but depending on the health center, the cost of reissuing the certificate may be incurred. Since the issued health certificate has a validity period of less than one year, expired health certificates should be newly tested and issued, not reissued. It can be issued at administrative welfare centers, not at public health centers, but it may vary from region to region.
Therefore, it is positive to have a medical checkup before getting a job for the health of others. If you want to get a job in the food field, make sure to get a medical checkup (health certificate)!!!